Novice guy here so be Nice.

I recently came across a brand new in a box Yamaha Rx-V861 that my brother purchased some time ago. He never got around to even opening the box and now its mine.  I purchased a pair of B&W tower speakers 600 series and I need advice on speaker cable and anything else that you feel I should add?  My original plan was a budget of $3000, I got the receiver for free and spent $1800.00 on the speakers.  Thoughts?  Used amp? Cd player?  What say you?

I agree with erik, that Furman is an excellent unit and is very hard to beat for the money. I'll so far as to say it's better than many power conditioners in the $1000 to $2000 range.
Sell the receiver and get a better amp that suits your needs. Do you really need or want a monster 7.1 channel amp? What are your sources?
if i was just starting out and didn't already own a warehouse full of gear i would forego cd/vinyl/dvd and just stream from tidal or spotify--you can do this as cheaply as adding a google chromecast audio device for $25 (or get a bluesound node for $400-500)--you could also connect your computer to the receiver, which would also enable you to watch netflix, etc.
You can still get the Chromecast Audios but they are more expensive now than before they were discontinued..not sure why Google did that!?
Great audio add on device.For sure get a pair of Subs.the brands mentioned above will do a fine job for you.I have/had the HSU and currently SVS[PC2000 x2].and +1 on an external amp since it has Preouts.