Amplifier suggestion for Dynaudio Sapphire


I bought a pair of Dynaudio Sapphire speakers. My electronics and cables are;

Classe Cap-2100
Ear Acute cd player
Pro-ject Extension(with ortfon Jubilee)
Unison Phono One Phone Pre
Auidoquest Volcano speaker cable, Sky Analog interconnects.

I do not have a budget limit to buy electronics(also no rush) but I do not want to spend my money for uncessary ultra expensive equipment. I am considering EAR 890 power&868 pre, ASR Emitter I with battery, Audio Research REF3(2nd hand of course)+REF110, Musical Fidelity AMS series vs. vs.
Thank's for your advices, it really helps. At least lead me to some directions to research.

Missioncoonery I cannot agree anymore with you about the ARC stuff. For cables, I am planning as a last action. I am satisfied with my sources(cd player and turntable). I am not sure about my amp., and I think I am right. After finding the amp, I will look for the cables.

BAT is not an available product where I live, so it is out of equation.

Today I made a demo with EAR 890+868, and Musical Fidelity AMS 50 power+primo pre. Musical Fidelity gear is very very good.

Weekend I am planning to demo ASR, Pass and Krell.

Keithr, using classe as a pre is a good option. It never cross my mind. Also my Ear cd player can be use as a pre(it has a valve output). This way I may have a two pre's one ss, one tube. I think this way seems more reasonable. My only hasitation is, I am sure that I cannot find all the right models in Pass, Krell in my country.

Whatever, this is the best part of this hobby. Researching,taking advices from other audiophiles, making demos, researching again and again.....I love this game :)
Im just curious ,what are your first impressions of the Saphires now that you own them
I auditioned the saphires at lenght a few times..sounded more like the Contour line(5.4) to me than the Confidence line so I passed on those and bought the C4s..Have you heard them?
Missioncoonery I heart them both. I made compariton side by side with c4 and sapphire. Amp. was Plinius sa-ref, Musical Fidelity Primo. All cables audioquest well signiture or white series. Source was Project Extension, Ortofon Perwinfeld cartridge, Plinius Koru phono stage. C4 was better in the lf, in the midrange section sapphire was far more better for my taste. Both of them were good. But because of the room size and waf factor I ended with sapphire. Because they are limited, I did not hesitate to buy. IMO in second hand market they may have a better value then C4, not only for their limited production, because of their size, waf friendly type vs.vs.