Alert, Warning, and Caution about Modified Components

This information has previously been provided to the group under a previous, pre-existing  thread and is beyond dispute, argumentation, or refutation however the thread was deleted because of improper, abusive, antagonistic behavior by one of the participants which while it was a correct, justified, and measured response by the moderators it had the unfortunate, unintended, unnecessary consequence, result, and effect of removing this information that will be of value to some although of course many of the knowledgeable experts here will already know this.

There are some dealers who sell new equipment that they have modified, altered, or customized by some method, fashion, or design and I am not talking hear about professionals who are often degreed engineers who are fully educated, skilled, and qualified to make such alterations to components intended for use in a Music Reproduction System. I am talking about dealers some of which are actually "part time" as can be shown by they're store hours and these retailers, merchandisers, and salesman do not have the prerequisite qualifications to perform this type of work. Without expressing any opinion, judgement, or assessment of these "modifications" I offer to the group these agreed upon details of which those considering such action should be consciuous:

1.) Any modification of an electrical component carries with it a potential hazard of fire and/or electrical shock and as such can be lethal and this risk should be considered against the potential value of any "improvement" promised as a result of the modification.

2.) Any modification is certain to render invalid, void, and unenforceable any manufacturer's guarantee, warrantee, promise, or assurance regarding safety, reliability, and performance of the equipment subjected to the alteration. 

3.) Because of as stated in item 2 above, the manufacturer of such modified equipment is certain to decline, refuse, and reject any request to service, repair, or even inspect such a unit that has been altered contrary to or in in conflict or defiance of it's original design.

4.) Because the altered unit is now something unique unto itself and familiar only with the person who did the modification it is likely if not certain that no one will be willing to service or repair the unit other than the modifyer himself which as we know may be fully unqualified to perform any such work.

5.) You should also be cynical, suspicous and doubtful of anyone who asserts, insists, or represents in any way that his modified component is superior in performance, specification, or result from a factory original unit which has been fully tested and verified before even entering into production.

I will add to these facts that those who are unqualified to make such expensive modifications refuse to provide specific information, detail, and explanation of the work that they perform while those who are expert, qualified, and capable to do such work will explain the exact work that they perform.

This thread is limited, restricted, and reserved for discussion of equipment component modification and off topic response will be reported to the appropriate Audiogon authorities for deletion.
Everyone has the right to have his own opinion, even clearthink. Even if we are not friends. It doesn’t matter at all.

Let him say whatever he wants to say. We live in a free world. I said it many times; audio will always be chosen by what people prefer and love most.

I speak the owner of AudioService about 3 times each week. He owns the biggest company in technical support in audio in the Benelux. (Netherlands, Belgium, and Luxembourg)

He does the technical support for:

-Lumin, Pass Labs, Mark Levinson, Marantz, Accuphase, Anthem, Arcam, Quad, Avalon, Chord, Classe, DCS, Denon, Esoteric, Onkyo, TEAC, JL Audio, Hegel, Luxman, Meridian, McIntosh, Moon, NAD, Primare, Paradigm, Parasound, Spectral, T+A, Theta, Velodyne and many more.

All manufacturers have one thing in common according to AudioService, they use cheaper parts after time goes on. We talk a lot about the parts these brands use. The audio market is a decreasing market. This is why they all use cheaper parts these days. This makes it for us so easy to do modifications. The results prove the effectiveness of it.

AudioService does also different modifications for us. And this year we will make all our modifications free for all brands. We always work with different specialists who have a lot of experiences with audio and also modifications.

We share a lot of ideas with different specialists. We will make soon many professional videos of our clients. We will let them speak of their own experiences with Tru-Fi and our modifications.


You should change into tripleblindtest to join this party.
I owned the World’s Most Extensively Modded OPPO 103 several years ago. I’m not interested too much what others do or don’t do. I broke the OPPO warranty the very first day. There was so much stuff in there at the end the cover would no longer fit. The OPPOMODS Linear PS, Audio Magic, PWB, WA Quantum Chips, Machina Dynamica, etc. I’m pretty sure I broke a whole bunch of electrical codes in the process, who the hell knows? No, I don’t want to come over and see how good your unmodified, untreated system sounds.
The thing I don’t understand is why some people over here make it so personal all the time. And put the focus on a person instead of the reply of a person.

People are often a lot different compared to each other. Just let them be who they are. For me, audio is like a competition and being superior to the rest. Other companies have the same changes as we have. And they need to show that they can create the same quality or even a better level.

I don’t believe in compromises. Limitations are only for the born losers in this world. We feel very responsible for all our clients. It is our task and goal to give them a superior level in quality no other company can achieve and create. This is a choice we make because it is the only way we can do our job.

Why you would want to do something that is the same level or even less than other ones do. It doesn’t make sense at all. Selling a box can even be done by a child. Like trial&error is doing audio at the level of a child. These days people do most things without any kind of foundation.

When you are still not aware that audio by trial&error is pure gambling, your system will always be limited. It can never reveal all the aspects of sound. People need to learn what sound is and on which parts it is being built. And which aspects influence sound and stage negatively.