Jupiter Copper Foil, Paper & Wax Cap Versus Jensen Cap 0.10uF 630Vdc Copper Foil Ceramic

Your advice and comments would be most helpful and appreciated.
I will need to change my current capacitors in my tube power amp as one of my current Jensen 0.1uF 630V Copper Foil, PIO, Aluminium is now a problem - caused a EL34 tube heater to glow red. I will need four new capacitors.

I am considering two possible replacements:

1. 0.1uF 600Vdc Jupiter Copper Foil, Paper & Wax Capacitor   
2. Jensen Capacitor 0.1uF 630Vdc Copper Foil Ceramic Case 

Any comments on how these compare in their sound characteristics?
I would like a cap that offers balance across all frequencies, control, richness, enticing tone, and transparency. Also ease of flow of the music.    
Thanks so much, Bob 

I decided the OIP was a better choice especially due to my analogue ’all tube system’.
Marish2000 the black gate were excellent caps they are a electrolytic more for power supplies ,ask your tech where it is.
No electrolytic cap should  be in the signal path, but it is a great cap for power supplies. On your Jensen how many hours in it they need a minimum  of 200 hours to really start to open up 300 hours 
better still.
Yes the Jensens are darker than the Jupiter copper foil as pointed out. They will open up a tad, but won’t deliver in the highs as extended and sweet as the Jupiter. They have the personality you are currently hearing even after burn in. They are known to be a tad rolled off and very “polite” in the highs. I also find them thicker in the upper mids. 
The Jensen Copper foil, copper body I like the best of the bunch 
in my system even more deep soundstage and more organic sounding then the Jupiter Foil,I my 2 systems I have had the same results, since I do mods I have the exact values and 300 hours on them and once in the system 4 hours of play
time then play 8-10 songs you know well.
i always have at least 2 others to listen and help-evaluate.
in another system it could prove slightly different in Audio
nothing is set in stone. 
Thank you.
Do you have any experience or thoughts on whether the Jensen PIO Copper Foil Copper Body would deliver more high frequencies - extended highs -than the ceramic body?
Thx, Bob