Can one ever be "done" in this hobby?

I would like to think I am pretty much in audio nirvana right now but supremely well aware how quickly that can change to audio nervosa!

What do think?

Is it really possible to kick the addiction and be done and just sit back and enjoy the music?

Has anybody managed this trick of the mind?
@MG-Oh, jeez. You know, not every one lives, breathes and obsessed over all things audio every waking moment. Some of us actually have lives and interests outside the hobby. So terribly sorry that a little friendly socialising goes off topic now and again. If this offends your sensibilities or irks you to the point of throwing a wet blanket on your perception of what rigid standards this forum should adhere to, perhaps one should look for the exit door and return to his more controlling surroundings. In other words, if you don’t like the ’tune’, change the record.....
Whoa people
Anybody who watches my posts knows I am more than up for humour and somewhat snide and snarky posts a lot of the time, jeez louise!

But MG does have a valid point.

There is a big difference to a thread being derailed by excess troll activity and just some light hearted banter injection.

No I do not think this thread has reached troll activity levels yet but many potentially good threads have.

And GK I was being kind... no pooping in my thread please!

Sorry carp, they’re called audio forums :)

Nothing wrong with humor, I'm chuckling a little as I speak. It's just that many of the threads here get dumbed down so quickly it takes away from the readers wanting to actually be a part of serious listening practices and learning. You may not wish to go as far as the next guy, but shouldn't you give them the choice?


Sorry, Uber, I almost forgot you’re the star. 💃 Thanks for being kind. 🤗
I am aware of that, MG. My point is a little friendly banter mixed in with the topic is harmless and can be quite humorous and entertaining. A big difference from trolling and/or derailing a thread. And if it upsets certain people that much, perhaps it would be better for their wellbeing if they eliminated that aggravation from their lives....And yes, I agree with you that many threads have quickly devolved into sniping and trolling. And yes, I am not nearly as serious about wringing every single molecule of potential out of my system as some on here. But, I’ve learned to separate the wheat from the chaff and simply scroll past the nonsense. I’ve also learned a great deal on how to enhance my system’s sound through this forum, without-admittedly- having much in the way of returning the favor. More parasitic than symbiotic, I'm afraid....