Speaker wire... Diy?

I am new to this, so please bare with me. I always thought 12 gauge speaker wire, bare on each end, was best. But there is Kimber, Nord, etc, that seem to be incrementally better! Can I buy the components and put together my own $17000 speaker wires? If so, where can they be purchased, and which are good enough to be used? Which terminations are best for sound? Which wire? Length? Guage? 

Anthropology, Biology, Chemistry and Life Sciences are my strong suit. Writing with an emphasis on grammar, rather than content, was never an obsession of mine. Recently, I’ve delved into Cosmology and Quantum Mechanics. Still looking for your breakthrough results to be published on the seminal work you’ve done regarding Entanglement and its application to remote audio diagnostics and restoration!

>>>>>Why on Earth would I submit anything to a science community caught up in its own hubris and backwards thinking? Geez, the Chinese are way ahead of the US in quantum teleportation. Wake up and smell the coffee! ☕️ Keep dabbling, though, that seems to be your strong suit.
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So, we’ve got some smart dudes here with differing opinions. I think that’s really cool because that’s how I learn. Now I want to open up a new can of worms that I’m really intrigued about but don’t have an informed opinion. Is there any advantage to solid core wire as opposed to stranded? I’ve seen seemingly valid arguments on both sides, but I haven’t seen anything definitive one way or the other. What say you?
Not to beat a dead horse, but I have had recent experience with solid core cables as well. I know experience doesn’t matter but...what the heck! Solid core (Anticables Reference séries and Audioquest Water) offer some wonderful properties. Clarity, reduced distortion, speed and impact (rhythm, pace and dynamics). System dependency will either put these in the must have category or in the too much detail camp. Comparatively, the Transparent cables embué the sound with more solidity, dynamic contrast, extremely low noise floor, a rounded well fleshed out midrange, pure natural highs and bass that is extremely physical.