D’Agostino Momentum stereo vs D’Agostino Progression Stereo Amp

Hello all, I was wondering if anyone heard both on the same setup and could point out the differences in sound ( soundstaging, timbre, bass and treble extension,...)
Maybe a bit early to say, but any technical or reliability issues with either of these gorgeous amps?
Any comparisons with other top amps (Rowland 825, Ayre MX-R twenty,...) 

@blueskywalker It sounds like your speakers are 8ohms nominal and they have high sensitivity so I would think the Ayre MX-R Twenty will handle them fine. It’s only where you have a speaker like mine that you absolutely need a monster amp into 2 ohms.

If the S200 sounds like the MX-R Twenty, then I would say yes there is a big difference to S250 but you have to analyze that in respect of your budget. To be clear, you will likely be very happy with the S200 or the MX-R Twenty so I don’t think you can make a wrong choice.
@bar81 My speakers are nominal 4 ohms actually, thanks for your input!

Anyone had the chance to compare Rowland 725 or 825 to the D Agostinos?
Blue sky:
I idid perform the exact comparison you are asking...at Audio Element in Pasadena, CA, I critically evaluated the Ayre Mx-R 20 mono blocks and compared them vs the D'ag Progression Stereo, vs the D'ag Momentum stereo...I thought the Ayre and Progession were pretty close, but preferred the D'ag, but felt the Momentum Stereo S-250 was in a different and better place, and ended up purchasing a new D'Ag Momentum Stereo, which significantly bettered the Hegel H-30 stereo amp it was replacing. I am really enjoying the D'ag, using the VTL 6.5 ii tubed pre, it makes for a wonderful combo...some also use it with the ARC 6 or 10 preamp...all good choices, but as mentioned above, you need to audition with your gear, and your ears, and wallet, and make the choice that works best for you. I am now very happy with my gear, and just enjoying the music. By the way, no reliability issues, and it looks as good as it sounds
Well Dan's equipment sounded excellent to me at Axpona this year.
It did not blow up as did the company's new product next door.
Not going to mention any names. (Remember Noah?)
I probably cannot provide you with information as relevant as Mribob, but for what is worth, I purchased a used Dag Momentum integrated to replace my excellent Accuphase E550 and realized a vastly deeper soundstage as well as a cleaner and finer-grained audio with my Sonus Faber Amati Anniveraries.  The sound is more relaxed, transients seem faster and is more transparent with more "air" around the instruments. I expected the bass to be "tighter" as well with the far greater Dag current, but this was the one disappointment although I am still satisfied with the bass. In all, I am very satisfied with the equipment and have had no reliability issues to date.   This is the only comparison I can provide. As far as Dan Dagnostino is concerned, I called the company to ask questions regarding power cords and interconnects. I was told that I would receive a call back the following day. I did, from Dan himself, who was willing to spend all the time I needed for my questions even though he knew I purchased the Momentum used. He invited me to call any time. Says much about the man and his company in my opinion.