Acoustat 4 Monitor: still actual?

Hello Friends,
I have the opportunity to buy from a friend a perfect huge pair of Acoustat Monitor 4, the biggest model from the strickland age, the model with the strange socket.
The speakers are perfect, the amps are perfect, the price very good..
Now I have a big pair of Rockport, and I am tempting to buy this speakers for a second system..
Are they some considerations? any experience from owner or ex owners?
is this model still actual in comparision to the latest electrostatic sopeakers..?
are the x better or vice versa?
Than you very much..
Key Ealey of services and mods the Acoustat Servo amps. He's done great work for me in the past, and I'm planning on sending him my set of Servo amps one day for refurbishment.
I have a friend who has three and four panel Acoustats with the servo amps.

The four panels are an even easier load for the amps, and give you more bottom end impact.

Try lifting them off the floor a bit,but standard set up is still better than most of the stuff being sold today.

I kick myself for passing these speakers up on numerous occassions, maybe someday, I have friends with several of the speakers and spare amps in disarray.

If Ed is who I think he is of Foundation Research ,rest assured he is a master at improving the already great Strickland circuit.

My friend had his done by Ed Wolkow of Foundation Research, and never had any problems.

His line of power cord/conditioners- LC10, 1000, and the old LC 2 still amaze me.
Alexismaster- Congratulations on your purchase. They are excellent speakers. If I didn't already own Beveridge speakers they would be on my short list. Bob
Well I didn't find any monitor 4, but I am very happy with my 3 panel X's.

I've had Quad 63, stacked 57's, Martin Logan Sequel ,2 pair of CLS iiz, and had the 3 panel medallian transformer(minus servo amp).

I've had the amps modded, and upgraded a lot of the connectors with the best from Furutech and I use HiFi Supreme fuses.

I run each servo amp on it's own dedicated 20 amp line.

After many years and dollars chasing after the sound of High End, I am closer now than I've ever been.

Couldn't be happier.
Look up Mr Acoustat on Canuckmart lots of posts and lots of pictures, great speaker by the way.
Owned the Three's for over 10 years, never a hick-up.
Good luck and enjoy.