I bought a pair of the Bel Canto REF600M monos back in November to use with a pair of 1.6's. They worked well however were very recording dependent. I then got my hands on a pair of 2.7's and it was a little better. They control the speakers very well especially in the bass. I tried Tara Labs, Kimber, Acoustic Zen, and AudiQuest speaker cable. The interconnects were Transparent. I don't believe this is the best that the system can do. I'm going to mess with positioning and some basic treatments to the room.
In another room I have the 3.6's and the Bel Canto amps didn't fare much better there either. The separation of instruments and depth is amazing however instruments seem to lose some of their individual color. I usually run a Krell TAS in that setup. Speaking to Krell they stated that the TAS isn't made to run below 4 ohm speakers so I'm going to look at getting a FPB or Evolution monos. Going to mess around with placement and treatments in that room as well.
The Bel Canto amp does however mate very well with a pair of B&W CD1SEs. I'm using that as an office system and the synergy is fantastic. Cables are homemade Kimber PBJ and Mogami balanced.