Wharfedale Linton Heritage 85th Anniversary

These are fun speakers.  They are musical and smooth. An absolute pleasure to hear with tubes.

I cannot believe how well made they are at this price point.  I'd like to wheel in a pair of Harbeths or Spendors (classic type) to have a shootout.  The stands are well executed.  Everything feels substantial and high end.  Color me impressed.  

Thank you  for the useful comments.
I think you may be the very first owner to be talking about these speakers, in the audio forum world or elsewhere.
You have the mic.....we are all listening!
That’s cool!  I’m honored but want to be careful not to understate or overstate anything. 

Im going to listen tonight.  I’m going to give them a few hundred hours of listening to see what opinions and thoughts develop. Initially I think they are a fantastic deal.  
Anyone in or near Chicagoland and want to test drive them?  Happy to meet fellow music lovers. 
Are you saying the Lintons have more bass than the Klipsch Forte III?

I heard both extensively at AXPONA a few weeks ago and the Lintons has absolutely no bass or warmth, they were all midrange and sounded lo-fi and awful IMHO. The ForteIII sounded huge and full range and were one of my favorites. They could rock the house down.
No disrespect or offense but I simply cannot understand how you could come to such a conclusion.
yes they look exactly like my former Harbeth C7ES3,  But that is where the similarities end.