Best earphone for the value

I bought the earphone after reading rave review on it.

SoundMagic E11C review | What Hi-Fi?

The review is spot on.

The most remarkable difference between this and free earphone distributed by Delta Airline is detailed treble.

I also compared this with Grado SR80E headphone that I have.

Grado have slightly more open bass but this one seems to have more details.

Due to the limitation of luggage, I would rather bring earphone than regular headphone  for long travel.

This one fit my need at the cost of 60$.

I found that the music through Youtube or Amazon prime using SoundMAGIC E11C earphones is quite enjoyable.

I highly recommend this for travel.

Agree with you @millercarbon since getting the 846 and a cheaper A&K DAP listening when traveling has given me an entirely new insight into my music collection. However I quite quickly swapped out the 846 for the Campfire Audio Andromeda -- a much more neutral and clear transducer even which made the 846 sound rather tubby and bloated. 

@shkong78 you might want to also investigate the CA Comet or Io -- similar prices to others you are looking at but great sound and US build quality
The SE846 is worth every penny. I bought it the year it came out. Absolutely ground breaking.
I notice the Campfire seems to use a higher quality wire. My SE535 sounds a lot better when upgraded to some I got from Moon Audio. Do you know a better aftermarket MMCX type cable to use with these?
I did try the Moon Audio on my 846 but hated it and sent it straight back. CA make their own upgraded wire (which I have on my Andromeda's) which is more open and natural sounding than the (good) stock cable
@ folkfreak

I am going to try out  Campfire Audio Io after being back to my home.

Thanks a lot for your recommendation.