Best integrated/power amplifier under $6000

Looking for either a power amp or integrated amplifier with at least 150 watts in 8 ohms for under $6000- new or slightly used. What would you recommend? I would be using my own DAC with volume control - so just need either a power amp or intergrated without a DAC. Please share your recommendations for the best amp you have heard which meets the above requirements. 

Thank you
Looking for either a power amp or integrated amplifier with at least 150 watts in 8 ohms for under $6000- new or slightly used.
Im going to be using the RAAL SR1a headphones that need a minimum of 100w into 8 ohms to shine. they were tuned on the Benchmark AHB2 so that would seem like an obvious choice but considering other options as well (and a bit more power/headroom so I mentioned 150WPC - but I could also run Benchmark AHB2 monoblocks)

Having heard the Parasound A21, I don't really like the sound by Parasound  much. Other amps that Im considering are:

-Chord CPM2650
-Anthem STR