It's possible that the amp was not happy with the rather high capacitance of Kimber 12tc (494 pf/meter), especially if the cable is particularly long.
Presumably the high capacitance of that cable is a consequence of its low inductance (0.09 uH/meter) having been given a higher priority in its design. But IMO inductance that low is overkill in most applications, and with solid state amps I would avoid cables having such high capacitance per unit length, especially if the length is relatively long.
-- Al
Presumably the high capacitance of that cable is a consequence of its low inductance (0.09 uH/meter) having been given a higher priority in its design. But IMO inductance that low is overkill in most applications, and with solid state amps I would avoid cables having such high capacitance per unit length, especially if the length is relatively long.
-- Al