hi End

Would you guys consider paradigm monitor series high end?
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Hi-end audio is in one’s own mind. Whenever one hears music on a system that begins to allow them to hear music in a way that moves them, impress them or allows them to hear things they had not before.... it is hi-end. Of course people own Gear for all kinds of reasons, prestige, hobby, musicians, music enjoyment but in the end they are just boxes of somewhat expensive wires and electronics. All the older gear from McIntosh, SAE, Bose, AR, Yamaha, Marantz, JBL, Garrard, Sansui, and many other brands were considered hi-end at the time, many still are today. Don’t let anyway influence YOU as to what THEY think hi-end is. Just enjoy the music. BTW I had Paradigm Series 9 monitors for years and enjoyed many hours of music with them. IMHO.
2psyop writes:
Whenever one hears music on a system that begins to allow them to hear music in a way that moves them, impress them or allows them to hear things they had not before.... it is hi-end. Of course people own Gear for all kinds of reasons, prestige, hobby...

The question I asked has been answered. Could hardly agree more.
The Monitor series is upper MidFi to perhaps - perhaps - lower end HiFi. But, imo, that is stretching it. Not remotely close to the high end.