Plinth ideas for DENON PD-80 DD turntable

While my pair of Victor TT-101 still sleeping in the storage, i decided to buy another Flying Saucer.

The DENON DP-80, vintageknob always have nice images and info about rare stuff...

On that page you see DP-80 with DA-401 tonearm for hich compliance cartridges (i have this tonesm NOS). It could be an interesting project, it was hard to resist ...

The question is the Plinth for this Denon DP-80.
The original DK-300 plinth is an option, but searching for something better i found this one.

Custom made plinth is always an option and i have superb Audio-Technica AT-616 pneumatic insulators to use under the plinth.

But what do you guys using with your Denon PD-80 ?

P.S. some companies now producing even an iron cast plinth and graphite plinth, i have no access to graphite, but iron cast here is cheap to make a custom plinth.

The plinth is solid. Well made but the feet is the weak spot there. Poorly executed. The feet on the DK300 can be upgraded to Stillpoints or equivalent.

I have my AT616 pneumatic feet, so i am well prepared to replace feet under any turntable. 

It's a good news that stock DK300 plinth is good, maybe i have to buy DK300 first. 
HI Chakster,

I have 2 x DP80's one is in a DK2300 ie twin arm version of the the DK300. In is a FR64S and in the 2nd mount a Grace 704.  My other turntable has a SME 3010R I prefer the sound of the DK2300 setup.

as Genesis168 says above the feet are very poor , I haven't changed mine yet but its probably a good idea as he says.
Hi fast mick, I also have the DK2300double arm plinth. Too bad it wouldn’t take a 12”. Both the DK300 and the 2300 are really solid and well built. Get the feet changed and take it to the next level!
Great, just ordered my DK-300, so everything must be like this.

@genesis168 I also have a local friend who’s asking me for a tunrtable to ugrade his cheap pro-ject belt drive. So maybe this is not the last DP-80 i’ve bought.

DK-300 stock plinth is reasonably priced.

Acustand plinth for Denon DP-80 is 449 GBP + shipping from UK, looks very nice on the pictures. It’s funny to read about their "original design". I think the smart idea of adjustable PTS armboard has been stolen from Dr.Feickert and the overall plinth also reminds me Feickert plinth.

The DP80 is a remarkable turntable. I’ve used one in a secondary system for a while. The sound is between the SP10/2 and belt drives. A good overall compromise. The 75 is easier to source. Basically the exact same as the 80 but without the pitch control and quartz lock defeat switch to which I think is useless. Tell your friend to get a Dp75 and it will be a substantial upgrade to his Pro-Ject. Currently have a DP75 in the DK2300 plinth and a DP80 in a stone plinth.

On on a side note besides the feet, you can fabricate a better armboard out of brass or stainless. A good machine shop will be able to make one for you if you have the original.