Reference 3A choices?

Hello all!
I'm debating between the Dulcets. De Capos, or Veenas for a future purchase.
I currently have Vandersteen 2ce's and I've kinda got the upgrade bug. My amplification is a vintage Fisher 500c tube receiver, which I don't want to part with. The problem is that it's 35 watts is a bit anemic for the Vandys'
I know all Ref 3A's are quite efficient, and I'm very intrigued by all the positive reviews, so I might make the switch.

Other incidentals: 15 x 15 foot listening room with 8 foot ceiling. Listen to old school, funk, jazz, classic rock, folk, reggae. I'm NOT a rap or heavy metal fan. I like detail, soundstage, imaging, but also emotion and a touch of warmth. Also, I do have a subwoofer, though it's mid-fi.
Source is an Eastern Electric MinMax tube output CDP.

Any opinions comparing the merits of the three Ref 3A's above or what you think might work best for my set up would be very much appreciated!
Thank You!
I own the Di Capo i's .
You state that you want a touch of warmth .
I feel that the Di Capos will not give that to you . They are quite a neutral speaker that will allow you to hear what your equipment sounds like .
If I were to change speakers , the Reynauds would be my first choice . They would offer a bit of warmth and maybe dynamics over the the Di Capo's . My second choice would be Audio Note .

Good luck .
With your choice of music I think the De Cappos would not satisfy. They are neutral and easy to drive but do lack bass weight. If you're stuck on 3A I imagine the Veena would be a better option.
I use the de Cappo-i with and 8 watt SET amp from Granite Audio (Aspen 800). It's wonderful. Previously I used a 40 watt Anthem AMp 1, and that worked, too, but I love the SET sound. Definately the de Cappo over the dulcet or veena, although the veena is nice.
I have had the dulcet,dicapo,veena, episode and grand veenas. Save up for the Episodes.