Affordable alternativ to the PS Audio DirectStream DAC

I have borrowed a DirectStream DAC from my dealer very nice of him because he knows that I can't afford it (:
I have to say it is everything I have ever wanted from a streamer/dac. Music just pouring out of my speakers, real sweet music.

Voices just sounds so real, everything is in place, there are details but not in your face. I just love it. This is like music should sound.

I am using it with a PrimaLuna HP integrated. Very nice combo.

The DirectStream DAC junior is discontinuing and I can't get my hands on a used one.

If you have heard the DirectStream DAC and know of another dac sounding as musical -- let me know   
The latest firmware for the DS dac (3.0.6) again takes the unit to the next level sonically. Even though it is an update to the PIC code...its just plain keeps getting better and better. Hearing is believing!!! 
A few months ago a friend brought over his PS Audio DirectStream DAC and a Schitt Yggdrasil.   I run an old Peachtree DAC-iT, which I paid $500 for some years ago.  The follow-on model is now available from Peachtree for $250.  You can find my unit on EBay for about $125 these days.

There were a number of local audiophiles present and we came away with a variety of opinions, though there was one thing we all agreed upon.  The Schitt Yggdrasil was edgy and nothing any of us wanted to listen to, let alone worth its price tag in excess of $2000.

I liked the PS machine better than my Peachtree, as you might expect.  But the Peachtree actually sounded very, very good.   More than half of those present liked the Peachtree best of all!

The Peachtree just sounds good.  I thought there was a hair more detail and accuracy with the PS, but certainly not $4000+ worth.  I'd be willing to pay something like $800 for it, but nothing at all like the money that is asked.  I have NO complaints about my Peachtree. 

It only does up to 96/24, so if you have a need for 192/24, you'll want the newer Peachtree DAC iTx.  I have no interest in high rez streaming services and therefore do not have that requirement.

And as an FYI, here are the details of my system that we used to listen to these DACs.

VTA SP13 tube preamp
B&K AV1260 12 channel MOSFET power amp
Linkwitz Orion v3.3 loudspeaker system - active crossover calls for 4 amp channels per side, so 8 channels total needed.
Digital Source:   HP laptop running Ubuntu Linux, Banshee music player
The DS dac and DMP transport...when used together,form such a musically coherent presentation with the latest firmware has to be heard to believed. I tend to believe that if one’s system is not up to the task of revealing all that this pair of music making machines have to will not be fully appreciated...period.
Dear Martin-Anderson,you can find the Teac in The Netherlands (Enschede :DP-audio at the price of:1699€ , the same on the web Hifi 79 studio:  1375€, (nl.) ‘ or Wifimedia Experience Center: 1390€ (nl.) In Belgium there are also available.
Hi @lukaske95 Thanks for the tip.

I have just got "burned" on a pair of Tekton Design DI. Ordered them without trying them out at home. It was not possible not dealers in Denmark.

But I have promised myself that I only will buy product that I can audit in my home.

I know that it will give me a very limited range of product to choose from but I have to live with that.

I feel that I live in a 3' world country (: when I read about all the dac's that people have suggested in this thread and close to none of them are
available in Denmark or Europe.
