Speaker wire... Diy?

I am new to this, so please bare with me. I always thought 12 gauge speaker wire, bare on each end, was best. But there is Kimber, Nord, etc, that seem to be incrementally better! Can I buy the components and put together my own $17000 speaker wires? If so, where can they be purchased, and which are good enough to be used? Which terminations are best for sound? Which wire? Length? Guage? 
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Not to change the topic, but just so you can have a reference of sorts about cables you already have. I hope they are not cheap for a reason.


No, thank you, the seller was a guy who used to own a hi end audio store. Outside of denver. 
They look good, no cheap qualities
You got lucky. There are a few threads discussing counterfeit cables with people reporting how they sound. Responses are all over the place.

As you probably know, there is no shortage of cable threads here with any topic you can, and cannot, imagine. Good luck getting something out of them, though. They are personality competitions, for the most part. Your thread is, actually, polite and restrained one, but if you are looking for every post being on topic you envisioned, you are on the wrong website. It just does not happen and it would be strange if it did. Multiply that by, at least, 100, if the thread is about cables. You are new to this, so bear with us.