Custom tonearm boards - who makes them to spec?

I have a TTweights turntable which uses an arm pod and thinking of having a new tonearm board made (to specification).

The current board is made of Delrin, and it’d be interesting to potentially try other materials while at it.

Anyone have any experiences and know who may be able to help with this?

Thank You and have an awesome one!
Sorry to say, but if you want something made "to specification" don't you need to specify the, uh, specifications?

Pardon the pun, but for the record, the only specification that matters is thickness, which even then only needs to put the tone arm within its height adjustment range. The only other spec that matters is pivot to spindle distance. Which you solve very simply with a slot.

So what specifications are you talking about?
I had Multi-Craft Plastics in Portland Oregon make me arm boards for my VPI Aries and HW-19 tables. I chose acrylic, but they also handle Delrin (technically named Acetal). They machine to order, and did a great job on mine.
... but if you want something made "to specification" don't you need to specify the, uh, specifications?
Perhaps he didn't provide the specs because he isn't asking us to actually build the armboard, but is just seeking general info from those with experience.
... The only other spec that matters is pivot to spindle distance. Which you solve very simply with a slot.
Perhaps you lack the experience the OP seeks, because it's not always as easy as you suggest. Some pickup arms aren't designed to be mounted into a slot, but are intended to have a fixed mounting using just a few screws.