Dacs For My Devore Nines and Leben

hi my friends im read what friends here write me about dacs for my system and im really considering it.
im try to know how you my friends describe and recommanded the sounds of these Dacs (if i plan to connect my dac to my pc and not as a transport) :
1.metrum octave dac
2.Ear Acute dac
3.wyred 4 sound.
4.teddy dac.
5.bel canto dac 1.5
6.hegel dac hd11 or hd20

the importent thing is my reference source is the EAR Acute what will be sound close to my refernce (E.A.R Acute) how is the metrum octave in compare to it
That would be me on the Shindo/Nines combo with the Metrum...still a fan. I'm interested in the newly announce Metrum Hex as a replacement but may still keep the Octave since I love the sound so much.