Plinth ideas for DENON PD-80 DD turntable

While my pair of Victor TT-101 still sleeping in the storage, i decided to buy another Flying Saucer.

The DENON DP-80, vintageknob always have nice images and info about rare stuff...

On that page you see DP-80 with DA-401 tonearm for hich compliance cartridges (i have this tonesm NOS). It could be an interesting project, it was hard to resist ...

The question is the Plinth for this Denon DP-80.
The original DK-300 plinth is an option, but searching for something better i found this one.

Custom made plinth is always an option and i have superb Audio-Technica AT-616 pneumatic insulators to use under the plinth.

But what do you guys using with your Denon PD-80 ?

P.S. some companies now producing even an iron cast plinth and graphite plinth, i have no access to graphite, but iron cast here is cheap to make a custom plinth.

I have tried coper mats on the DP80 and the springs (thin metal bands) are not sturdy enough to carry the copper platters unless very thin.  Any mat should be not any larger than the inner spring loaded platter - Denon's original Rubber mat supplied with the DP 80 is.  I've uploaded a few pictures on my systems page showing the detail.

Good Listening 

One other thing is being overlooked here.  For a period of time I owned both an SP10 Mk2 and my DP80. I had both of them serviced by Bill Thalmann at Musical Technologies in Springfield, VA.  (It's only about a 25 minute drive from my house in Bethesda, MD.)  On the DP80, I needed a new controller chip to make it run perfectly (which I was able to source via Alibaba), and Bill noted that the circuit uses some transistors that were over time shown to be unreliable. He replaced all of the suspect transistors with modern superior equivalents, and he installed the new controller chip.  Bill also re-capped both units.  I mounted both turntables in slate plinths of similar weight and shape.  In this setting, with both turntables feeding the very same system, front to back, the DP80 consistently outperformed the SP10 Mk2.  (Not by much, just a hair.) Bill also remarked to me that the drive system of the DP80 seemed a little more advanced than that of the MK2.  The DP80 uses a true 3-phase AC synchronous motor, for one thing.  I know there are further tweaks for the Mk2 (I've done them all, JP's chip and Krebs mod, for my SP10 Mk3), but, as it was, I consistently preferred the DP80.  That is one great and under-rated turntable, a steal at current market values in my opinion. It's worth the cost and effort to have a competent tech evaluate the running condition and then bring it up to spec, any time you buy a "new" vintage DD turntable.
Agree with Lewm, the DP80 is a fantastic machine.  The rebuild of the electronic circuit is relatively simple, have done a dozen or more in the past year or so.

Some time ago i posted a video showing the speed accuracy of the DP80 playing an entire LP side,  17minutes plus there are few tables that can perform in this class.

The videos show a DP 80 fitted with a time line a device that emits a laser pulse at incredibly precise intervals projecting a dot on the wall in the room the table is in - in this video the wall the dot is projected on is 26 feet away from the table - over 17 minutes the dot moves forward with just a few inches - if theres any calculous geniuses out there try to calculate this accuracy in percentages it is WELL below specified accuracy.

Good Listening


I own both but cannot compare them, because different plinths, tonearms, and cartridges. And they are connected to two entirely different systems, one feeding Beveridge speakers (TT101) and one feeding Sound Lab 845PXs (DP80). And, the DP80 sits idle in favor of the SP10 MK3 and Kenwood L07D.

It would be a close call.  These days, I am biased in favor of coreless motors, so the TT101 gets the nod from me in my Beveridge system.  That said, the motor of the DP80 was state of the art in its day, as noted above, and probably on par with any motor still being made for DD turntables, as far as that goes.  It's a little smaller than the motor used in the revered DP100 and DP308, but it's as big as it needed to be for driving the DP80 platter with precision.  Peter knows more about DP100 and DP308 than I.