Anything wrong with PS Audio DirectStream DACs?

I'm counting right now 19 (nineteen) PS Audio DSD DACs for sale (new and used). Strange. Some second owners also selling... The reviews are unanimously stellar.

I wonder why.

Ohh!!!!! You didn’t know that audiotroy is much more informed in the art of dac development than Ted Smith?

You didn’t know that audiotroy is much more informed in the art of dac development than Ted Smith?"

yes Ted Smith is ignorant in many areas of Music Reproduction Systems unlike Audiotroy who has vast, diverse, hands-on experience as clearly demonstrated here no disrespect to Mr. Smith intended.
Thank you Clearlink.

Aolmrd and Cal, please wake up and stop drinking the Cool AId.

As we mentioned earlier the leaders in producing the worlds best digital front ends almost never upgrade their firmware and if so it is not every six months that a "magic" new sonic flavor of firmware arrives on the scene.

Digital technlogy at this point is a very mature thing.

There is nothing wrong with FPGA’s they are a good tool and are more changeable then a Ram based chip set, and yes we sell dacs which use FPGA’s as well, the Aqua Hifi Lascala MK III and the Forumula XD use FPGA.'s. 

The best sounding dac we have ever had the Light Harmonic Davinci a $35k dac, does not use a FPGA or if it does they don’t publicize it.

Look at DCS, Esoeric, Chord, MSB, and you will see that firmware upgrades are a rarity, because these designs are mature designs.

Why because the engineers spent year perfecting their technologies and only came up with a new product when the hardware  advanced signfigantly enough to allow for a major improvement.

Oh and if you look at the following post:

PS Audio does plan to put the DS dac to bed in the near future for a new DS dac yet to be announced. Not the newTSS dac..... but a new DS dac 2.

Guess that means that the hardware would also need to be upgraded  or else you could through the magic of FPGA’s magically turn your current Direct Stream Digital into this new DS Dac 2 which doesn't seem to be the case now does it?

Hardware is what leads innovation, not software, sorry but it is true.

If you notice the continued breakthroughs in cell phones are all about increased processing power, new sensor technology, increased memory, faster charging, and longer battery life.

It may suck having to purchase a new cell phone every few years but that is the name of the game with ever increasing technlogy comes greater and greater performance along with new features.

Yes you can upgrade through software a Galaxy Note 5 and an older Iphone’s to newer opperating software but eventually you realize that your five year old cell phone just can not offer the same user experience as a brand new one and the cycle continues.

The reason that people fancy the idea of firmware upgrades is that they are affraid to face this fact that all companies products wil eventually be obsolete.

Dave and Troy
Audio Doctor NJ

Audiotroy...the only koolaid being drunk around here is what you are trying to feed anyone who is short sighted enough to believe that a constant merry go round of hardware updates that give minimal increase in sound quality and ultimately suck the money right out of the pockets of the uninitiated is the only way to long term listening satisfaction...Bottom line is you are in the business of ‘selling new gear for profit’ and the use of software,as used in the DS out of your wheelhouse and you poo poo it because there is no way to line your pockets since the updates are free of charge. Stating that software is not the future in audio is living in the past and the future will eventually run you over...

Please answer the questions raised, does DCS, Chord, MSB, Esoteric or other major leaders in the field of high end digital have constant "new and supposedly better sounding upgrades" happening every six months or so?

Please refute the point made by one of the other posters:

PS Audio does plan to put the DS dac to bed in the near future for a new DS dac yet to be announced. Not the newTSS dac..... but a new DS dac 2.

Certaintly looks like we are a bit on the correct side about eventually comming to a point where software upgrades can not improve older technlogies or does PS plan on comming out with a DS2 for no reason?

Lastely please refute the points made about new cell phones vs older 3-5 years old cell phones that "can be upgraded to run new software."

If you run an original Ipad on the lastest Ios even if you could the experience with an old processor would probably not be that satisfactory running newer much more processor and memory intensive apps.

Technlogical improvements are responsible for pushing the envelope of all things and are a fact with any device which is performance based.

Certain devices such as refrigerators, don’t change radically, but cell phones, cetain computer devices, high end dacs, and even loudspeakers can be improved sometimes radically based on new and emmerging technlogies.

Please check out the Joseph Audio Graphine Thread, where Joseph Audio is using new Graphine drivers. Focal has radically improved their drivers, so has Radiho. and Wilson and so many others.

Sure you can listen to a pair of Wilson Watt Puppy 5 but you can also listen to a brand new $5k set of speakers that will outperfom them.

It is not a matter of selling something because it is new, we sell something because it is better.

We point out to you that one dac we really like can be upgraded completely from a five year old version to a brand new one for far less than a trade in would allow.

Have a good night Aolmrd, got to watch Game of Thrones on a 2019 Model LG Oled, please watch the same show on a 2010 Pioneer Elite and tell me how much better your picture looks than mine.

Last point if hardware upgrades were minimum do you really think that most manufactuers would bother comming out with new versions? Enginers move into better hardware because that hardware is indeed better.

Dave and Troy
Audio Doctor NJ