Raidho TD1.2 opinions?

Hello all: I know they’re new and probably not in many folks rooms, but had anyone heard enough of the 1.2’s to form an opinion on them? Looking for a high performance smallish speak, and the initial reviews sound good. Thank in advance! 
Thanks! The overall sound seems to fit my preferences, I’ve always liked small-speaker sound.I can easily live with a little dryness. The peripherals there are a step or two above mine tho....
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The Radihos are very good but tend to be super dependent on matching gear. 

You may want to check out a few of their competitors which have similar levels of clarity, cost less and are also extremely good.

Check out the TAD Me1
                       Focal Utopia Monitors
                       Paradigm Persona 3F
                       Vimberg new line of speakers 

Dave and Troy
Audio Doctor NJ
I thought they were stunning at Axpona.   

If I’d have a hard time buying them over a pair of Persona 5F or 7F at that price range though.

Diminishing returns are very steep at that point, but they were for sure about as good as it gets for a bookshelf.  
Have to agree with Contuzzi,
Heard the Radihos and the big Bortossens,  The newer Rahidos, were more balanced and more dynamic then previous versions.

Loved the big Bortossens, just were not impressed enough at $120k a pair.

The other $30k speakers that were just fantastic were the Vimbergs.
Thought the VImbergs were similar to the sound of the Personas but with a richer tonal palette. 

Dave and TroyAudio Doctor NJ Persona dealers