ronkent is right on!
The 3.5’s recommended power was 40-50* (depending on vintage) to 250 (and even 300 in some circumstances) Watts per channel. Those recommendations were based upon standard 8 Ohm amplifier ratings, with the understanding that with quality ss amplifiers those power numbers would double with the halving of speaker impedances.
So with the Thiel 3.5’s 4 Ohm nominal/ 4 Ohm minimum rating, you’d be well within Thiel’s recommendations for the 3.5’s. With the extra demands the 3.5’s eq makes on amplifiers, I think the extra power would be more welcome with the 3.5’s than with most other speakers with similar sensitivity and impedance loads.
*Interestingly enough the early models had a sensitivity rating of 88 dB and a minimum recommended power of 40 Watts per channel, and with later models Thiel spec’d the sensitivity to 89 dB but also increased the recommended minimum power to 50 Watts per channel.