Best mid priced Amp-Preamp

Please suggest best amp-preamp under $2000 for my KEF 103/3 reference series speakers. I used Adcom GTP-500 II and GFA-535 II. It stopped working. Speakers sound great, so no plan to replace it soon. Bought it 27 years back.
kns54 OP

I’d go along with that too curiousjim , a Schiit Freya (great switchable tube/ss/ or passive preamp) with a Schiit 100w Vidar. Should work a treat with the KEF 103/3, and at 93db maybe the Schiit Aegir 25w class-a if he doesn't want party levels, that would sound sooooooo sweet.
And the OP kns54 can trial them for 15 days

Cheers George
Marantz pm14s1 integrated, if you can still buy one, getting hard to find brand new. A second for the rogue sphinx v2...on the more economical side, the new marantz pm8006 is a nice amp as well at only 1200.
Underwood HIFI is selling brand new (NOS) Peachtree Nova 220SE integrateds for $999. I used one for 2 years on a pair of LS 50's and enjoyed it immensely. I also like the Rogue Audio Sphinx (any generation).
Thank you all for your suggestions. I decided to go with Rogue Sphinx v2.
Thank you again!