What a sad world we now live in.......

What a sad world.....

Had to go to our local Wal-Mart for something for the wife and thought would check out CD,s while here.

Could not find them so asked where to be told they had decided to stop selling them in-store.

In fact the whole electronics section looked bare and desolate.

Pretty sure a sign of the buy online times we now live in.
May I remind some folks of fiat currencies where with the flick of a pen, countries can be made bankrupt or with the flick of a pen, be made flush. Economies are manipulated by the few, under the cloak of security and secrecy.

Historical records can do the same. Hard copy is critical. The same can go for the social and cultural avenues. the only way the new can be sure it is on real footing is to have the had copy record of the old.

The council of Nicaea (there were two, actually) was all about the problem of hardcopy getting in the way of the desire to re-write the world as a new thing in a new way, in the form of advantage of the few in power in the given moment.

When all the representatives of the different Christian sects arrived at the council to debate what to do..after having been asked to being their best and finest hardcopies..those hardcopies were confiscated.

Hardcopy is, in the final analysis...everything.

No sane man trusts the impermanence and fluidity of the internet, cloud storage, hard drives, etc... when it comes to knowing your history..and making sure the ills of the past do not repeat and that those who are rotten to the core, to do not alter the record in their favour.

We see it now in the purging of Facebook, google and so on. Danger Will Robinson, danger. The motions are careful and inch by inch small, but the cumulative danger is sure, real, directed, consistent, relentless.. and ...immense.

Human life and change itself lives and exists only in the extremes and edges of humanity, and has nothing to do with the unchanging and essentially dead middle masses of compliance. The problem for oligarchy is that corralling and creating commodities out of humanity is the only way to assure their maintenance of power and control. So they go after the very edges of humanity with unrelenting force and will. Gotta get that fence around it.

Of course the middle does not understand any of this. So they (the middle of the IQ and societal curve) comply, stay ’safe’ and ostracize the edges of humanity...and thus kill their own future. Ie, if there is a hell, it looks a lot like this.

It only stands to reason that a sane, experienced, intelligent, and observant person.... does not trust the door and potential/problems/issues of similar scope and shape...in the world of music.

Recently in Munich I ventured in to the Saturn Electronics store opposite OlympiaPlatz Mall. Down the back right hand of the store was a treasure of cd’s dvd’s Blu rays and uhd movies. It was an absolute treasure trove. I immediately invested €200 and loved the finds there. The original Bohemian Rhapsody live concert ColdPlay box set etc. Unique experience today! Attending Munich HighEnd Show suddenly became worthwhile 🤗
Hey Guys 
R2R Ladder Dac with Jays Transport 
Black Cat digital cable is the best way to go.
more analog sounding more involvement.
What’s really “sad” is what passes for a hit song. This is the “Golden Age?” For convenience you mean?

Has there been a legitimate hit record since the late 80’s?

Am I the only one who hasn’t watched the Grammys in 30 years because the music or artists can’t sing or write a hit record? Is this generation deaf at recognizing a “hit” record?

And I never step foot in Walmart. They don’t support their employees with a living wage much less healthcare. Why anyone supports them is part of what’s wrong with the world.

Vinyl rules anyway. CD had a 40 year run. Vinyl never went anywhere. Get off my lawn!