Ingress Audio Engineering

I recently discovered the benefits of isolation. Don't know how many of you are familiar with Barry Diament's  recommendations for his hip joints. The recommendation for the economical DIY set up worked well for my stereo; (lightly inflated bike innertubes, wooden egg holders supporting stainless steel balls).

A month ago I bought Isoacoustic Oreo's. 3 per component (weight appropriate) and was very first. After several days of settling my music sounded dull and lifeless. I reread the optimal weight recommendations, re-calibrated weight limits with temporary improvements. To my disappointment I realized the Oreo's could only be compressed (especially after the suction seal was formed between them and the component or platform the component sat on). Sure they rocked in all directions, but they didn't glide in all directions. Only horizontal isolation was taking place so I coupled the Oreo's with Barry's economic hip joints which has greatly improved the SQ. I'm loving it but I still feel there's room for improvement. Mainly because I own the Hfiman HE-6SE HP's and I run them through my power amp's speaker taps. So I want Barry's upgraded hip joints under my amp. I'm interested in Ingress Audio's vibration isolation rollerblocks.
I've looked up info about their level 2's and 3's but specifics on their differences aren't given. I know Barry says the blocks should be machined smooth to a certain degree. I left a message with Ingress, but I'm impatient and wondering if perhaps the level 2's aren't as smooth as the 3's. The smoother, the greater the improvements. My question is does anyone know the differences between their Level 2 and Level 3 rollerblocks?
I've ordered 4 sets of the level 3's.

Great!!!   @mewsickbuff

Which components did you guys isolate 1st, 2nd, etc.?

I follow the upstream first formula since it affects everything downstream.

Power > Source > DAC > Preamp (since you picked up 4 sets)

If you picked up 2 sets for your speakers then: Source > DAC
@ nonoise, for any statement made, there will be critics AND supporters. Music and the hobby of trying to make the SQ the best we can, with the means we have, is a SUBJECTIVE experience. These forums introduce and educate in areas we may never have thought about. A while back, I sat my husband down to listen to Tchaikovsky's 1812 Overture on my stereo. I could hear the highest notes of the triangle (or whatever instrument it was) but he couldn't. He can hear the triangle when our grand daughters ring it at our house. I found that interesting (and summed it up to the recorded triangle being too soft-lower db). I wish naysayers who post on forums would TRY before they reject (or keep silent) and admit that if they can't hear something doesn't mean nobody else can either. I'll sit my husband down for a re-listen to the 1812 Overture after I get the Ingress roller blocks installed and see what happens :)
 I also have a PS Audio P5 power plant. Would anyone bother to put rollers under it? What about a turntable? I plan to get rollers for the speakers at a later time.
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I also have a PS Audio P5 power plant. Would anyone bother to put rollers under it?

As I indicated in a previous post, I do use the RollerBlocks with Power Supplies / Conditioners. I've used the Level 3s with my SR PowerCell 12SE with good results.

FYI, I use a combination of four types of footers for my components, and since I am short a set, I'm using the SR MIG 2.0 footers with the PowerCell (at present).

What about a turntable

I do not have analog components, therefore cannot comment directly.