A point to be aware of when adapting an XLR output to an RCA input is that most such adapters short one of the two signals in the balanced signal pair (usually the one on XLR pin 3) to ground (XLR pin 1). Depending on the design of the particular components that may or may not be appropriate, and in some cases it may result in a sonic problem or even damage. If the output of the component providing the signals is transformer coupled it stands a good chance of being appropriate and perhaps necessary. If the output signals are provided by solid state circuits having low output impedance it stands a good chance of not being suitable. See this thread for an example of the latter situation, where an oscillation resulted.
My understanding is that on special order Cardas can supply adapters which leave pin 3 unconnected.
-- Al
My understanding is that on special order Cardas can supply adapters which leave pin 3 unconnected.
-- Al