Bypassing preamp in disc player when using integrated amplifiers

Own a Primaluna Integrated tube Amp &  Oppo UDP-205 disc player. The amp has a HT bypass input.

My goal is to use only the tube preamp in the integrated amp... and bypass the preamp in the player.

  • Option 1) If I hook up the player's analog outputs to the amp's HT bypass input then I am using the solid state preamp in the Oppo and the tube poweramp section of the integrated. The tube preamp in the integrated amp is being bypassed.

  • Option 2) If I hook up the player's analog outputs to a regular input (anything other than the HT bypass) on the amp's, then the solid state preamp on the player as well the tube preamp in the integrated amp are being employed.... i.e double pre-amping.

  • Option 3) Add an external DAC between the player and the integrated. This allows me to bypass the preamp in the player and employ the preamp in the integrated. But the unfortunate downside is that I need to buy a nice DAC instead of using the relatively nice DAC already built into the Oppo... and also complicates the setup.

The analog output from disc players is always the output from their builtin preamps. Since you cant access the direct output from the built-in DAC inside the CD player.... it sounds like an integrated amp pretty much implies the need for an external DAC in the setup. Please correct me.
The subwoofer makes it challenging. I have come across very few integrateds while researching that offer any sort of bass management and the ones I’ve seen (levinson, anthem str) appears to be all digital. I’ve been researching how to up my two channel performance but there are so many options but not a lot run (I think) my revel speaker + JL audio dual sub config.  Does the prima Luna have a loop connection? Maybe you could insert a crossover like CR-1 to take the bass off the amp.  
Erik, “lose” , not “loose”. It’s ok though, nearly everyone else gets it wrong too, but strange coming from someone as articulate as you are. 
Don't know if this is relevant but I'll throw it out there anyway. I configured my setup (slightly different requirement) as follows
Oppo 103 analog out, all channels, to Pre/pro in analog bypass mode therefore circumventing double D/A conversion. Pre/Pro to Amp to speaker, Pre/pro to Lt input to JL sub set to reference. Zone 2 analog output L/R to Rouge integrated input, variable output to rt input on same Sub.
Integration of sub to either system a breeze with a flick of the switch on sub from reference to variable.
Works great for me with no noticeable losses.