Anyone hear Vivid Audio Speakers? Considering Vivid Giya G1 Series 2 from Magico S5 MKII

Have new pair of Magico S5 MK II and have had Magico for a long time. I love them but considering trying either Giya G1 Series 2 or YG Acoustics Hailey 2.2 from my Magico's. Curious to hear from anyone that has head 
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I've only heard the Giya G4 but they were good. Might not fill a large room but the G1 or G2 should.

The only Magico I have heard is the M6 but that was one of the best speakers I've ever heard!
Unfortunately very, very expensive.

I personally like Focal and think you should listen to some Utopia in the same price range as your two top choices before deciding anything. 
Get the new Rockport Atria mk2 much better than Magico or Vivid.Better bass,stage detail,warmer midrange and much better highs get them asap.They will work great with Pass amps as well.Enjoy!!
I have G2 in my room. I heard in the dealer show room... and take it. Truly it is hard to find bad things in those speakers. Perhaps the visual appearance that is very personal (for me the shark like profile... love it!!!). But it was not the look I decided for them but sound. Silky and detail upper, astonishing real mids and great bass. Everything served in excellent proportions. Yes... I believe that what made me to buy them was the last aspect. I never heard such balanced speakers. I rediscover my recordings. Oh... I run them with Chord (Blu/Dave combo) and McIntosh (TransAmp/TubePre) rig. I have a feeling that feeding them from mono blocks could make the sound even better but really it is not a desire to change anything.
They are good in all genres. Well... quite good for classical music but lets be honest is there any speaker that can really imitate classical music as real one?
And the last at the end... they gave me peace. Perhaps it is my age (40), perhaps my experience... I was looking for the speakers that combine  musicality and fidelity and found them. I am happy now. Isn't this all about?
Definitely should be listen before you buy anything else...
Given you really like the overall sound of the S5s and seem to mainly be after more visceral heft and bass punch it sounds like a pair of good subs might be just the ticket.  Added bonus is your S5s with subs will likely be more full range with better bass than another standalone speaker in your price range, and the bass may even be better integrated with your room.  I get that you like Rel, but Vandersteen subs are worth a look too, and they have some neat integration features and are also very fast so will likely work well with your sealed-box speakers.  Best of luck in whatever you decide. 

Not that I could afford either speaker but have heard both the Magico and Vivid speakers many times and to me the Magico has a very neutral sound which is good BUT the Vivid speakers, each time I heard them, made me forget about the equipment/speaker and I just got into the music. My foot was tapping, my heading swaying, it was always an enjoyable session. So to me the Vivid speakers win.