Denafrips Terminator vs other dacs

Hey everyone I have owned the denafrips Terminator in my system for approximately one year and am enjoying it. However I have not compared it to many other Dacs. the only one really being the Burson conductor SL 9018 and the hdv 820 and both of these were with headphones not speakers.
Initially when I was buying I was looking to spend around 4,000 and was deciding between the PS audio directstream and the Terminator and after lots of reading eventually settled on The Terminator.

So in this thread my aim is to get all the people who've either owned the Terminator or heard it to chime in on there impressions of it specifically compared to other dacs. Some of the other dacs I'm thinking of are the chord Hugo 2, tt2, Dave. The bricasti M1 SE. PS direct stream. Metrum pavane. Holo spring l3. And any other dacs that you heard that you have compared to the Terminator.

I realize that there are other threads that discuss the Terminator but I have not seen any that focus on comparing it to other dacs which is what I want this thread to be focused on.
Thank you so much.
I have the dual Discrete Power supplies. It comes with one, included in base price. I paid $1,450 for the second. Well worth it.

Have only heard DAVE at local headphones meet ups. Never owned one. I know it needs the M-Scaler to really shine. Two friends of mine have that combo and are very happy with it. They both said adding the M-Scaler made a noticeable difference in SQ
Look up LampizatorNA and contact Rob or Fred. They are the NA distributor for Lampi. Or go over to their circle on Audio Circle and ask or hit them up over there. They’ll take care of ya..