Rockport Avior 2 vs Wilson Sasha DAW

I’m consider one of these two speakers, the Rockport Avior 2 and the new Wilson Sasha DAW. My room is 19’ x 25’ with a 20’ ceiling, the room floor plan opens behind me into a kitchen and the rest of the house. I listen at low to moderate levels and usually have to supplement the bass with a sub because of the large space. I listen to jazz, folk, classical full orchestra some old classic rock on rare occasions. I’ve always like the detail of electrostatic speakers but they all have there limitations. Looking for a great all around speaker. I Enjoy both tube and solid gear, currently using solid state spectral. I Have several amp choices from Spectral and Rowland. Just wonder if anyone knows these speakers intimately and can give me some strengths of each and an opinion which you would choose and why. I’ve been researching many other speakers and have come down to these two. Thank you for your thoughts.
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The few times I’ve heard Rockports was always impressive and they seem to have a similarity of a “house sound”. You can like them or leave them but at least they are designing to a specific intention. The Wilson stuff is a totally different matter. I have heard them sound very good on occasion but generally not. Of more concern is their casting about for a certain sound from each model or version which does not seem coherent with their other lines. Their changing choice of tweeter is a perfect example of this. Also their maxx sounds totally different than a Sasha which is totally different than an Yvette. It would be interesting to hear the various iterations of the dozen or so watt/puppy versions side by side. You couldn’t possibly love or hate all of them, there would be something for everyone in that mix and all of them different. I prefer a speaker line designed to a single goal.
I’ve listened to the Rockport Cygnus twice in a home setting. I imagine any of the Rockports will be able to fill / pressurize your room to your satisfaction.

I personally do not see a need for subs (for augmentation) but that, of course, is a personal choice.

Some of the listeners stated a need to push the volume for the system to come alive. I’m specifically mentioning ’system’ because it may have been the amplification [and NOT the speakers]. Pointing this out since you list low to moderate listening levels as being important. The owner of the Cygnus based system listens to them at moderate volumes.

All the best in your search and final choice.
What about the Rockport is better. I’m looking for some specifics if possible. 
I know this is personal preference I’m just trying to quantify what is being said. ie:  is one more natural, does on have a better sound stage, imaging etc.