How far have ss amps really come in the last twenty years?

I have owned and enjoyed my Jeff Rowland model 8 ( recently modded and upgraded by Jeff to the last version) for many years. I recently had the opportunity of comparing it ( after mods) to a few of the current ss models from Gamut, D'Agostino, YBA, Parasound, Sim audio, CH precision, Constellation,PS audio,Pass Labs  and Musical Fidelity. The results were very interesting, because to my ears and in the systems that we did the comparison, the Rowland held its own against all but the most expensive D'Ag and CH amps. Even those were only very slightly outclassing the Rowland in the areas of top end resolution...and a tad in the bottom end resolution. Now the thing is that the last revision to the Rowland 8 was designed by Jeff over ten years ago! 
So, my question for those more technically inclined than myself far has the design of ss amps come in the last ten...or even twenty years? 
I will take this challenge. It would be difficult for me, or anyone for that matter, to convince anyone else that differences are heard, unless they heard it too. If I were doing the amp comparison through my own system, in my own room, with my own selected music, I would, and have, each and every time, hear differences. Mr. Shaw seems to say, if the circuit is the same, distortions are kept at a minimum, impedances match, and the amps are working comfortably within their limits, the 10K amp, with all of it's better parts, more heavy duty chassis, larger power supply, etc., will not sound better, or even different. Wow, is all I can say, if I read, and interpreted correctly, all that I read. Does this mean Harbeth speakers use inexpensive crossover components, because Mr. Shaw hears no difference in better capacitors, etc ? As far as a system I am not familiar with ( different equipment, room, etc. ) ? As long as I am given enough time to listen and evaluate this system, using my own selected music, sign me up ! Enjoy ! MrD.
Excellent. Let us all know how it goes!  In fact, if you do succeed, it will certainly be worth a write-up in the audio publication of your choosing.
wolf, I had no idea if roberjerman was in a band, nor am I claiming hearing loss of any band members, as I was a singer in a band. But for someone as he, to claim, differences in amplifiers do not exist ( and to have a " collection " of them ), must have listening or hearing issues, or systems not hi def enough to notice. Tell me your Schiit pre and Had amp does not sound better ( if not better, at least different ) than your previous gear ( you bought this gear before the Heresy 111s ). Differences exist, and that is all. Enjoy ! MrD.
Ahofer, set it up for me with Shaw, and I will do it, no problem. I am sorry if you feel I do not agree with my interpretation of what I just read. By your response, I am not sure you hear differences in amplification, not even to determine if one is more to your liking over another. Obviously, Shaw makes a fine line of loudspeakers, but I still found it a bit surprising. I can also tell you, many others here would take the challenge, as Atmosphere pointed out, coming home with a new set of speakers. Always, and Enjoy ! MrD.
I am not a fan of Harbeth speakers so it is not surprising that I wouldnt agree with his take on many things audio.