Denver, Co

I was quite surprised that there isn't a thread for Denver, so I thought I'd start one. Given the size of the city, the number of high end audio retailers around, the generally cool nature of Denverites, and the number of people who attend RMAF every year, there must be enough of us to support a club around here.
Hey I also call Pueblo home I'm running a SP10-mk11a,Air tight PC-1,EAR 912,BHK 300 monos,Reference 3A grand veenas.
As mofi said there is the "Colorado Audio Society". A real good group and good support when I use to attend 26 yrs ago for a couple of years. It is a great way to hear other gear, make contacts that can help you with your system, and make some nice friends, have some neat outings and great times.  
Saturday June 29th, 2019 in Scottsdale, Arizona from 10am to 4pm you can listen to:Sanders Sound Model 10, Joseph Audio Pulsars, Salk Sound3 beAt, Spatial Audio Lab M3s,Tekton Design Double Impacts, LSA Signature 10s, Markaudio-SOTA Cesti 3s and Somethingvery special from ZU audio. Clayton Shaw President of Spatial Audio will speak and take questions.Directions: 8600 E. Anderson Dr, Scottsdale, AZ 85255. 101 Freeway/Princess Blvd. Parking  free. Filtered ice water provided.Format:  Each of the above speakers will be played for 25 minutes in one of the two rooms reserved.Morning will begin with classical music, then Jazz, then Vocals and finally we will play the club'scollection of great music. Every two hours each speaker may be Support generously provided by all the above fine firms. Some speakers will be sold at special incentive pricing. Questions to Jeff Kalina, President Arizona Audio/Video Club. $10 at the door to cover some costs. YOU ARE INVITED !!!