mijostyn, I had done some research on Sound Lab. Given my situation with lower power tube amps, unavailibily of dealer support, and frankly, pricing that is out of my range, there is close to zero possibility of my owning a pair of Sound Lab speakers. I must confess a sense of envy when a recommendation for a pair of speaker would include, '.. You do not have to audition them..". They must be amazing! Alas, not for me.
Hi George, Thanks for the straight up recommendation. Monolith is one of the very early ML to come out. And it seems that are many loyal fans of the speakers with active crossover and the possibility of bi-amping.
One of my concerns is the maintenance of the Mylar panels. But it seems that committed users treat it precisely as a maintenance issue to be dealt with rather than a nuisance.
Hi George, Thanks for the straight up recommendation. Monolith is one of the very early ML to come out. And it seems that are many loyal fans of the speakers with active crossover and the possibility of bi-amping.
One of my concerns is the maintenance of the Mylar panels. But it seems that committed users treat it precisely as a maintenance issue to be dealt with rather than a nuisance.