If I did not love music, I would not care how well it is recorded nor would I care about getting the best sound I can from my equipment to listen to it. It is true I am never satisfied because most recordings do not sound all that great. And the ones that do are hindered by the shortcomings of my system.
Most hobbies have two types of participants. One goes for quantity and the other goes for every increasing quality. For example, when I used to restore cars for a hobby, I would strive for my next project to improve upon the previous project.
When I was around 10 years old, I went to a friend's house whose dad had a decent stereo. I was shocked how good music could sound. I was hooked. But I started out years earlier playing music on a little portable record player. I loved music since I can remember (age 3). And I have been striving for better sound since I have been making a living and affording to do so.
Most hobbies have two types of participants. One goes for quantity and the other goes for every increasing quality. For example, when I used to restore cars for a hobby, I would strive for my next project to improve upon the previous project.
When I was around 10 years old, I went to a friend's house whose dad had a decent stereo. I was shocked how good music could sound. I was hooked. But I started out years earlier playing music on a little portable record player. I loved music since I can remember (age 3). And I have been striving for better sound since I have been making a living and affording to do so.