Acoustic treatment

I want to build my own bass traps and was wondering if there are any other alternatives to fiberglass and rokwool. Foam is not a consideration as I don't believe it has the necessary qualities for absorption. I have heard of cotton batting, does anyone have experience with this material. The idea of fiberglass makes me itch just thinking about it, but I'm resigned to using it or rokwool if that's all I have.  Please make suggestions and let me know your experiences.

You can research the original Franck Tchang Acoustic Resonators. Here is one of the excellent reviews in 6 Moons,
Not mentioned in the review or in the patent disclosure is how shear energy and material velocity only in solids is what  reforms compressive waves and actually makes for the differences we hear when various materials and shapes are introduced into an acoustic space. Tom
Or it could be just the pressure equalization and electromagnetic wave absorption the review discusses. Hel-loo!
But its not that..It is the same way shear waves in the earth travel at different velocities and with different polaraties thru different types of rock ..more solid vs dispersed and porous determines the distance from the epi center the waves can be felt. Tom
Who cares? I know you keep saying that. It simply doesn’t apply here. You can’t use it to explain everything. Anymore than repeating over and over, the sky is blue. Even if you say it a hundred times, which you actually have. Remember, one of us has a theoretical fluid dynamics and physics background. The other doesn’t? Go peddle your theory someplace else. How about visiting the library and come up with some new material?