Acoustic treatment

I want to build my own bass traps and was wondering if there are any other alternatives to fiberglass and rokwool. Foam is not a consideration as I don't believe it has the necessary qualities for absorption. I have heard of cotton batting, does anyone have experience with this material. The idea of fiberglass makes me itch just thinking about it, but I'm resigned to using it or rokwool if that's all I have.  Please make suggestions and let me know your experiences.

The tiny bowls shape and material determines the shear wave pattern and velocity that makes the sound changes in the air. Copper, Silver, Gold and Platinum all have a diferent shear speeds and they all result in a different acoustic out come.
Put a stone or diamond if front of all that hang it on a wall and you have an acoustic resonator. All starts with material or materials and shape..keep looking. Tom
Enough jibber jabber. The reason tiny little bowls work is that the diameter of the bowls and corresponds to an acoustic wavelength AND an electromagnetic wavelength. That’s why Franck Tchang was able to *measure* effects up into the GHz range. In the acoustic domain the tiny bowls “equalize sound pressures” in the room by reducing (absorbing) unwanted high sound pressures like standing waves. We know that’s how they work because the high pressure zones in the room is where the tiny bowls are located ideally. Hel-loo! In the electromagnetic domain the tiny bowls absorb rf. It’s an acoustic resonator. And an electromagnetic resonator. It’s nothing so mysterious and goofy as shear wave velocity.
Add your can of hot air to outer space with the shear thats already there then you will have the potential of sound..just like you do here on Earth..Tom