If you still spin CD's their is a reference level Transport for reasonable money

I just got in-house the Jay's Audio CDT-2 MK3 transport to review for hometheaterreview.com.  The build quality and physical appearance make it hard to believe that it retails for around $2,400.  Right out of the crate not even broken in yet, it's out performing my CEC double belt transport in the reference system.  It retains all the liquidity and analog smoothness of the belt driven transport but offers more details, tighter bass frequencies, and a larger layered soundstage with more air between the players.

Alvin, of Vinshine Audio set this review up with me, so if you go to his website you can get a lot more details/pictures on this transport.  The reason I was motivated to review a CD transport was I received scores of requests from my readers asking what is a great sounding transport, for a reasonable amount of money.  So far, in spades the Jay's Audio CDT-2 MK3 fits the bill easily.   
@aolmrd1241     Thanks for taking the time to post the link, I guess I'm just snake bit with it, though, as I cannot seem to be able to click on it and open it in spite of the fact that I have no such problem with any other links up and down this thread. The fact that I am nowhere near computer savvy isn't helping any either.
I don’t know why it won’t open...weird for sure. Just copy and paste in your browser bar...and hit enter.
  Why would anyone want a Transport where the parts used to make it are now discontinued and no longer available? Before investing in one make sure that there are still replacement parts. Im told your SOL with the CDT-2.

This is so true especially with the laser/transport , and to see if it's available "easily and new" just look in Google or on Ebay (not what the CDT manufacturer has in stock or tells you), and to find what modle/no laser/transport yours is look hear or ask the manufacturer. 

Cheers George
Hey Acresverde,

Just scroll down about 50 posts on this forum page and you will see the thread with my answer to all your questions. Peace to you too, but I still think you owe me an apology for your accusing me of two negative choices.  1) Dodging your question.  2) Not being respectful to respond to you, even though I never got your Emails.