Figuring Cartridge Compliance.. Help!

The cartridge compliance stated for a Denon DL-103 is stated as 5x10-6 cm/dyne at 100hz. The value I am getting is not working in the resonance frequency calculator. 
@coachpoconnor instead of payin’ that much for a piece of plastic called MINTLP you’d better check Dr.Feickert protractor, it will give you far more for any turntable and any tonearm or any size, also you will get all 3 alignment methods to choose (it’s up to you which one you want to try). This is made in Germany, it’s metal, you will have precise pivot to spindle ruler. Ones you will buy this protractor you will never have to buy anything else, no matter which arm or turntable you will be using in the future. This is a much better investment. A great tool! And it’s German quality. Look for used sample if you want to pay less.

And by the way:
the Test Record i have recommended to you earlier (many times) comes with NICE AND FREE PROTRACTOR. So with this Hi-Fi Test Records you can not only measure your cartridge/tonearm resonance freq. but you can also align your cartridge with protractor that you will find inside. All these for $40 and you need anything else ?
Thanks everybody.. Remember I’m a newbie...So a person could get an 8 1/2 by 11 sheet of paper and measure/look up the spindle to pivot arm distance. From that point draw an arc using the effective tonearm distance. Draw a second arc showing the record edge cut it out and then have it laminated. Use this in combination with that 12 dollar mirrored “book mark looking” overhang guage that I bought on Amazon? Checking back and forth between keeping an accurate arc and cartridge angle?
not sure I’d actually do this.. just want to make sure I have the right Idea.

Why don’t you just buy all in one:
cheap way under $40: Hi-Fi test LP with printed protractor inside, an actual test record to make your setup perfect and to avoid mistakes, read bit about this record here. Every newbie need this (first of all).

a high-end tool (if you have money for it): Dr.Feickert Protractor

you need nothing else, you don’t need a mirror