Audirvana Plus vs Roon - High Sound Quality at Lower Cost?

I've recently set up Audirvana, choosing over Roon due to Roon's higher cost.
Seems like Audirvana's sound quality is considered to be high.

Does anyone have any experience comparing sound quality of Audirvana vs Roon or other players?
I use Audirvana to play purchased FLAC's, ripped FLAC's, and also Tidal HiFi from my Mac Mini with Fusion Drive connected via USB.
Looking for input from those who may have taken the trouble to compare.  I for one didn't notice a difference, but I am planning to upgrade my system shortly and differences could possibly become apparent as a result.

Where Roon is better: gapless playback between tracks (Pink Floyd albums are intended to play seamlessly between tracks as one continuation and Audirvana has a gap between tracks), Roon radio, user interface with loads of features, multiple zones, streaming from one library to various devices simultaneously. Keep in mind, Roon has many options for filters and maybe adjusting these can improve sound quality. Not sure. 
i use A+. i tried as I had an all 3xx JBL system and the 310s subwoofer would not integrate properly... timing was off and i could not get this squared away.. i tried all the switches and moved the subwoofer 4 times... nothing worked. i installed A+ and it took care of the issue.
I recently installed Audirvana on my Win 10 Pro PC (also has Roon) to test the SQ differences. Through my headphones I can clearly hear that Audirvana is superior to Roon. The difference I am hearing is more than the difference I heard when comparing Tidal to Qobuz (Qobuz sounds better; cleaner more incisive, more 'direct' sound);
Comparing Roon to Audirvana; There is more dynamic contrast with Audirvana; Roon sounds flatter and less engaging when doing back and forth using same tracks; With Aud, vocals have more "vibrancy" and focus; overall sound has more life to it; If I didn't do the back and forth I would not have believed this.  I am not really happy about this because I have pretty much gotten used to Roon and love the integration.  

My DAC is an Exogal Comet Plus; I have selected the ASIO protocol because it was the only one that was available to the XMOS USB 2.0 ST 301C driver that Exogal uses; 
Roon also uses ASIO protocol, as I can see it in the Signal Path map;

My tests involved local DSD files and streaming from 24-bit Qobuz files. I have not tested Tidal for differences yet;

On the one hand, yay for finding a sonic improvement but quite frustrating, because it seems there is no end to getting the 100% best possible sound from a PC.  Assuming both applications handle the memory to USB protocol the same, what else could cause this?

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I got rid of A+ a couple of years ago for 2 main reasons:
the lack of a nice GUI 
The necessity of placing the Mac in the audio room and using usb to the dac

when I switched, Roon was superior in sq and of course the GUI. I have heard rumblings that 3.5 is a step up in sq and they have a nice GUI now. Unless A+ has the ability for me to have my Mac in another room than my audio room and allowing me to access my dac they Ethernet, A+ is a non-starter for me. Roon provides endpoints which gives you tremendous flexibility and allows you to stay away from the inferior usb connection