AR ES 1 our buy a newer TY

Should I buy an AR ES 1 for 700.00 USD or look into a newer turntable.  I have a Marantz Model 18 with Dynaco A25’s recapped.  

Thanks so so much for all your advise. 
I just checked EBay. Found 3 for sale. Prices range from $1K to $1.25K to (get this!) $6.8K!!! And the $1K was a "beater" in poor condition! The $6.8K one did have a Magnepan Unitrac arm, plus 4 cartridges (Shure V15 MR, two Pickering's and an AT 404). Apparently these are some VERY optimistic sellers!
I'd rather spend cash on a vintage Technics 1200 - and I did! A much better, right-out-of-the-box TT! Too much tweaking required for the ES-1!
Really appreciate everyone’s input.  I’m going to pass on it but, will keep looking.  I know the right one will come along. 
Want something new with warranty? For that $700 you could get a brand-new Pioneer PLX1000. Best TT under $1K! I have one in my collection! Made in Ch*na - but so what! So is my android phone! The PLX1000 is a quality piece that sounds excellent (see Herb Reichert's review in Stereophile). And is a lot more affordable than the newest Technics 1200 ($1.8K).