Anyone have experience with Vincent hybrid gear and electrostatics?

I own a pair of ML ESL 11A’s and am looking at the Vincent SP-T 700 mono’s and the SV-T7 pre. Will appreciate any advice. 
Not sure this helps, I own the Vincent SA-T8 & SP-T700 mono's. I have heard the SA-T7 Pre. Both are fine Pre-Amps.

The SP-T700 Mono's are quite nice hybrids, with a touch of warmth and a "punchy" Bass rather than the slam of my big SP-998 Mono's. 

At the moment I'm listening to my Vincent SA-T8 running direct into my fully active 'Stats", sounds great.

Whether the SP-T700 suits your "Stats" I don't know. Any way you can audition with your Speakers? They sound quite good with my Revel Ultima Studios. FWIW I have heard the SP-331MK with some small ML's and sounded fine.
Can’t audition my only real concern is the low impedance of the ML of 1 ohm and below can’t seem to find that stat on the spt 700
My thoughts are probably not. They are only specced down to 4 ohm.
Manual also states "if a second set of Speakers connected, both have a nominal impedence of at least 8 ohm!

What country are you in? The Vincent SP-998's would do that without breaking a sweat, and should sound great with ML's. To my knowledge there not available in the States.