With respect @akg_ca, I do not understand your concern with this thread. While I understand and agree with @ricred1 that "every component, including the room impacts the sound" the OP asked a simple question for respondents to post their subjective opinion of the SS amplifier they enjoyed hearing the most, i.e., the "best solid state amplifier you have ever heard." The answer to the question is certainly open to variations WRT listener preferences, room size/conditions, accompanying gear, speakers, and more, but there were no caveats as to system goals, power rating, monoblocks or stereo, room conditions, or whether the amplifier had to be owned, borrowed, in the poster’s system, in a friend’s system, or at an audio show or showroom.
For purposes of an internet thread, it is a simple question and I am baffled why people don’t either answer the question, or ignore the thread, but rather feel the need to take it upon themselves to "police" the OP as to the worthiness of their post. He/she may simply be looking at purchase options and trying to learn something. Sheesh, it’s no wonder some people choose not to participate here.