I agree with, pretty much, everything you say. However, my points were aiming at the fact argued along this thread that R2R is thriving and not dying. Even the Italian poster’s informative description of revamped machines shows the opposite is happening. They redid their machines only to make more viable back-up.
For a handful of enthusiasts, R2R may be the best thing ever and there is no arguing about its merits but, as a format in general, it has deceased some decades ago. All of the references about parts involve eBay. Proof that it is great is a picture, or two, of a description of specific tapes from more than thirty years ago. It is, in fact, defunct on any significant scale. Together with a dial phone.
Nothing to do with R2R, but the radio station I was mentioning was non-USA located, completely non-commercial with, seemingly, unlimited resources to waste. To the dismay of local crowd that is forced to fund it, but that is a different topic altogether. They, to this day, have occasional orchestra performances in the studio. Just for the heck of it. Speaking of (in)convenience.