Dynaudio Contour 1.3SE vs. Contour 140

A'goners - love the 1.3 SEs, and thinking about sourcing a pair for an office system. Anyone have experience with both the 1.3SEs AND the 140s. I would be interested in your impressions of one versus the other. Thanks.
How about that for staring a fire storm! Love the passion! A side-by-side comparison would be great, but that is going to be tough with two pair of used speakers. Remember guys & ladies (I hope), this an office system that will provide musical enjoyment while I'm working. Hopefully I'll be able to enjoy it for just that - and not geek out over the last ounce of performance. That is what my main rig is for! Thanks for everyone's input...
These responses are ridiculous. Look up the Contour 1.3 SE on the Dynaudio website, it will tell you all you want to know!

There is a difference between the Focus 140 and the 1.3 SE. The Contour used a double-walled heavily damped cabinet and the 1.3 SE specifically used a much, much higher end crossover network with separate crossovers for the midbass and tweeter. The 1.3 SE also has a -3db point of 37 Hz in its bass response. The bass response is absolutely astonishing!

I own the 1.3 SE, I have listened to the Focus 140, Contour s1.4 and the Special 25. To appreciably better the 1.3 SE you will be looking at the Special 25 and Confidence C1 models.
Never heard the 140 but I own the 1.3SE and they are the best bookshelf speaker I have ever heard. I also have the Confidence 5 but that whole different level. I am tempted to get the C1 and compare them to the 1.3SE
I owned the Focus 140, the Contour 1.4 (I assume quite similar to the 1.3se), and now have the C1. The 1.4s were noticeably better than the 140s- better control in the bass, and overall resolution. I would agree with Goatwuss' concern about using them for an office system unless you have room for them to breathe.
I own a set of somewhat dated but still very resolute Contour 1.1's.They are very puchy on the bottom end for such a small monitor.

Im curious if anyone has ever done a side by side comparison with the Contour 1.3 SE vs Contour 1.1?

I believe the 1.3 SE came out around 1999?Its getting a little long in the tooth.

Im sure it has more Bass but is it really leaps and bounds better?
I allways enjoy listning to the 1.1's

Any thoughts or opinions are appreciated!