What is the best BNC Digital Cable under $4,000?

I'm looking at the Synergistic Research Galileo UEF Digital BNC. As well as the Wave High Fidelity Cable and the High Fidelity Reveal BNC and the Black Cat Tron Ditial Cables, respectively.  What do you consider the best Digital BNC cable under $4K?

So, I have to hear it to believe it? No explanations as to how?

Thanks for the detailed response.

This assumes that the reclocking circuitry performs in a theoretically ideal manner. Meaning that it reduces jitter to zero, or at least to below the threshold of audibility, whatever that threshold may be

Even the $9 Apple dongle has a J-Test result of better than -110dBFS. I say that’s audibly transparent. For most modern setups, jitter is a non-issue.

And it assumes the circuitry is able to do that despite the presence of noise or other spurious high frequency spectral components that it may be exposed to.

True. Most DACs already filter RF and power supply noise though.

The quoted statement furthermore assumes that such noise or other spurious high frequencies that may be introduced into the component receiving the signal will not find a path by which some of their energy may bypass the reclocking circuitry altogether. For example via grounds, power supplies, or stray capacitances. Thereby potentially affecting jitter at the point of D/A conversion, or even affecting analog circuitry further downstream as a result of effects such as intermodulation or AM demodulation.
I touched in some of this above, but let’s talk about the effect the digital cable has. As an example:

The USB cable that costs 20x did reduce the mains/harmonics compared to the generic cable (although it did add some high frequency noise). However, look at the scale, the mains/harmonics with the generic cable is already -130dBFS (cause the DAC already has filtering).
This sounds like the story, "The Emperors new Cloths."  This is hilarious!  Maybe you could buy a $30 cable and label it $5,000 and show your friends how much you spent.
Next thing they’ll be saying Ethernet cables all sound the same and HDMI cables all sound the same. The more things change the more they stay the same.
mzkmxcv - 2 flaws in your logic/posts: you can’t afford an expensive cable so you will never be able to buy 1 and compare it to your $30 cable, so you have to bad mouth a product you can’t afford or put down people who can afford 1.
2nd- you state to someone that if they hear a difference in cables, don’t state it publicly because that isn’t the truth, so that means only you state the truth! Pure BS! Until you can physically audition a $4000 cable in a system that allows you to hear the difference, leave your truth at home
So, I have to hear it to believe it?
Certainly not. You can continue to refuse to listen, and still maintain your faith-based convictions.