Review on Linear Tube Audo Ultralinear amplifier just went up on Six

Hey gentlemen,

The review on Linear Tube Audio's new Ultralinear amplifier just went up on Six this afternoon.  This David Berning designed amplifier is based on his ZOTL-OTL circuit and is quite a remarkable music maker.  For all the details take a look at the review regarding why you might want to audition this amplifier if you are a lover of SET amps, but need more power for your speakers.
@bobheinatz -- the xa25 is a great amp, but here are a couple other Class-A amps you might want to consider.  As far as tube amps, Don Sach's KT88 amp is getting some impressive reviews as well.  Sorry if I'm just muddying the waters!
Hey bobheinatz,

First, the XA-25 offers more flexibility when it comes to driving more speakers.  It really measures at close to 80 watts into a 8 ohm load.  If you do not need that much power, then it really becomes a "horse race" regarding which one of these great amplifiers would I choose.

The LTA Ultralinear offers the pristine colors and emotional intimacy of a SET design.  It reminds me of a 2A3 SET, which happens to be my favorite power tube.  The XA-25 sounds more like a great 300B SET, which is amazing in that it a solid state design.  Both are extremely detailed and transparent and are extended on both the top and bottom end.  

So, which do you like better a 2A3 or 300B signature?  Does your system tend be slightly cool or warm based on your source, preamp, and speakers.  For my tastes, in my smaller system that uses very efficient speakers I would choose the LTA.  
Thanks Teajay for your prompt reply.  I have owned both a 2a3 & 300b.  I also like the 2a3 tube better along with the 45 tube.  However   I have a interesting dilemma.  The current room I have the LTA would proably work best but in around 15 months I will be able to move my system back into a much larger room where the Pass would benefit.  I sounds like a win regardless of which amp I buy.  Again thanks.
The Stereo Times website list of "MOST WANTED COMPONENTS OF THE DECADE" just went up this morning.  This LTA amplifier is on this list for the reasons discussed on this thread.