It would not be a problem for me to have the cables refilled every five-seven years for a moderate charge, but not new cables after less than three years.
No, I will not communicate with that dealer again let alone buy from him. I decided not to reveal his name but I think this is a debatable issue. People buying high end, whatever it is, expect much better performance and attitude, and they are right, we don't want money takers and box movers.
The Neptune has been packed for a trip and I already miss it. WyWires Platinum on preamp and Tchernov on the source sound nice but not like when the Neptune is on preamp and WyWires and Tchernov on two sources. I usually have WyWires on the tape deck and Tchernov on the phono but it can be reversed, no big difference, still I slightly prefer WyWires Platinum, though Tchernov has just a little more poweful delivery. I simply listen to deck more often, and I record everything with Neptune cables, of course.