Cary 805 AE-do they go low?

Seriously considering the  Cary805 AE with  pair of Zu Def 4s. My only question is regarding the bass signal that will be fed to the built in subs in the Zus. Having read about everything out there regarding these amps and generally very positive responses, just wondering, do they the go low?
I’ve heard the Cary 805 driving the Zu Def4 and the sound was incredible.  The Zu Def4 have a built in powered sub woofer, therefore, the low output current demand that is required to provide deep bass in provided by the internal class D amplifier, making the Zu a very tube friendly amp.  
Extremely detailed and solid info George. Really good to have knowledgable I must say, experts, on this forum. Since it's few and far between that an opportunity exists to actually hear components, much less in the environment in which we listen, such advice is invaluable.
brf, your input comes from actual listening, so hard to argue there.
I always suspected my next move would be from the older PP MC 60s. Will call Sean Casey at Zu to help as well.

One sand amp that has been used with some success is the Valvet so I'm open to that avenue. 

George and brf- thanks!

Check this out!


Check out this review for the folks who pay attention to the stats. This review should be an eye opener. At the end of the day, you want to close your eyes and listen with your ears, body, and soul. “Subjective vs objective. Tube vs solid-state. Retro vs modern. Monoblock vs two-channel.”
My listening experience with the Cary Audio CAD 805 AE (Anniversary Edition) along with my choice of speakers, Acoustic Preference Gracioso 1.0 produced a magical sound and what was more fascinating was that it never fatigued me. I would listen for 5-6 hours each time. The only other amplifier that ever did that was the Jeff Rowland Model 12’s. The Cary’s also worked extremely well with the Wilson Audio Cub’s. It made them really sing. I was shocked. These monoblocks gives you the opportunity to choose between two output tubes. The 211 (70 Watts in Pure Class A Mode) or the 845 (50 Watt in Pure Class A Mode). I chose the 211’s. So, for those who love numbers, maybe you would want to start listening. I hope this helps in the future when you’re looking for a Single End Class A Amplifier.